Cultivation work 2020 has started….
We have now put the first seeds in the soil, January 20! We are longing for salads so we aim to have the hot bed in the green hous ready early this year. At least it is early for us. In a few weeks we should be able to plant the plugs with ruccola, spinnage, mangold, pak choi and radishes.
Until they are ready to harvest we will have to do with sprouts from peas. It only takes a couple of weeks to have a tray with crispy and brittle green sprouts. Yellow peas in water over night, then on a tray with soil. After a couple of days in a warm place you just let them sit in the light for a week. With fluorescent lamp it is even a quicker procedure. We can highly recommend you to try! Seeds from tomatoes, chili, pepper, selleri and green leek are the next to go under the lamp.